
Sunday, January 3, 2010


"Clap your hands, all you people; shout to God with a jubilant cry." Psalms 47:1

This morning I sat in on Mark's Sunday school class with the youth. Something that I haven't done in a while. He was talking about blessings in our lives...and when we see a need, fill a need..I started thinking about how many people I have or had in my life over the years that have blessed me in ways that they may not know.

January is a very hard month for me. On the 6th of January we celebrate our daughter Sydney's birthday. She would have been 12 this year. She was beautiful with red hair and soft white skin. She lived a short 3 weeks after her birth and then went to be with Jesus. I can name a handful of people who have blessed my life more then they will know in the time after her death. From the nurses at UMC that did everything they could to make us comfortable to the friend who still holds my hand when I cry thinking about her.

When you hold the door for someone, smile and say hello, let the person go in front of you in the store with one item. You never know what that could really mean to them.

A good friend of my husband once told him " See a need, fill a need" think about that. It could be the biggest blessing to someone but you never know what a blessing it will be to you!

Thank to you all who are a blessing in my life....I love you !


  1. I love your blogg I will try to keep up, its not like I dont talk to you all the time, lol. I can't beleive it has been 12 years, sometimes it feels like yesterday and other times it still feels like a dream. She will always hold a special plcae in my heart. Love you, we will celebrate her life on wednesday with a girls day out.

  2. You are such a blessing to me everyday. Your positive attitude helps me through the rough patches. Love you & thanks!
