Started One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer tonight.....well it is week 2..Here is the story behind that.:
We finished Beth, Priscilla and Kay Bible study 2 weeks ago. I could not make up my mind if I wanted to do the next study. I thought I'll stay home have one night a week and get some things done. Now I've been going to the gym Monday, Tuesday, Thursday nights but I was going to kick Bible study 1st...hmmmm.. this just didn't seem right. SATAN!
Last week was the 1st night and I stayed home: Austin had been out of school with strep throat so I needed to stay! Mary gave me my book on Sunday so I could start it and get my homework done before Wednesday...I did not open the book ONE time! Why? Not sure! SATAN! Knew that he was getting his way, keeping me from getting into the word! And way? It went ALL the way to the core tonight!! Yes all the way.
Can you remember a time that you were in the wilderness? I can! Moving after getting married, Sydney dieing and the pain with my marriage, building and having my husband work out of town for almost a WHOLE year, relationship's that ended, were hurt,family, beginning alone! Yes I have been in the wilderness...I have been there just not to long ago.....
Mark being injured was scary and hard in MANY ways..a job that was offered to me but I would be away A LOT from my family. Yes the wilderness...
I sit now on the edge of the wilderness looking at the pillar of fire by night and smoke during the day and think " Lord, where do you want me to go"? " How and when and what"? Yes the Wilderness is right out there.
It's hard and scary but MAN do we grow from it. I see just how far He has brought me..loved me...helped me. Not always the way I believed it should go or be....Priscilla said something that hit me..You have to development the spiritual gifts by doing them...Trust Him, be put into a position that you have to, need to work on patience..have to wait..Yes we learn to develop them.
soooo I will do my homework this week and just see where the pillar of fire will lead me! Yes Lord I do trust you!
Am praying for 3 people right now that on in the wilderness..if you are and would like me to pray let me know! We all need someone to pray for or out of the wilderness..
"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery" Galatians 5:1
You sweet thing, you! So glad you decided to come to Bible study. See you in a coupleof weeks!