
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Let me introduce you to my cup! I love my cup and drink out of it ALL the time...But only water with lemon ( why I have lemon in it is not just because I like the taste but my kids don't! hehehe) So everyday I have my cup with water! One day my cup dropped out of the car and I had to glue it back together again! So now you have seen my cup, if you see one let me know so I can get a new one to drink other things out of!!LOL

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Look at my cute husband and his new hat! So darn good looking! Am so luck and blessed in so many ways. To have a wonderful, Godly husband!!!
Love you Mark!


Spent my evening shopping! A never ending job!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Mark's new project that he is working on. I grew up with this in my house it was the cabinet that held the turntable...LOL Now it will be a CD/DVD holder!


The mom's!
Mary waving good bye! I love this picture!!

Mary and Barry surprised them with an old car to take them to the prom

Austin and Brittany

Lillie and Brittany

Brittany and Jeff

Saturday night we headed over to Barry and Mary's to see Brittany get ready to leave for the Prom..Her Senior Prom..Bitter sweet it was. I've known Brittany since she turned 4 and started pre-school, now she has turned into a sweet, beautiful, strong young women! When I see her I still think of the first time I meant her..VBS and she was running and fell down and hurt her knee, who knew that 13 (almost 14) years later Lillie would be so much like her in so many ways! Am thankful to have Brittany in my life and my children's lives. It will be so hard to see her go off to school this fall to Phx. but she has her faith and the strength that she has learned form her mother! ( and father) I don't just think of Brittany as a friends daughter I think of her a a niece...just as my children think of her as a cousin..we love you Brittany and you look BEAUTIFUL!


Tammy, Tanya, Allison and Kay at Beth Moore this weekend in Tucson! We had a great time and really got to here the word of God! It is soooo great to see God moving in so many peoples lives! That would even mean mine!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Spring is here...Spring is here....Summer is coming....Summer is coming! Want to know how I know that it is? I brought the pool cover! That means that I will start heating the water up to SWIM!! Yeah! Now I just have to get it out of the bag, lay it out over the pool, cut it to fit ( one piece not two, that was Marks great idea one summer!) and wait!! Wont be long now and summer will be here! We will be hanging out around the pool...With sunscreen!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Had an early release day ( 1:45) an took the kids to see the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was a great! I laughed a lot and was so worth seeing!! The kids seemed to enjoy it and laughed too! Yeah to a good movie!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Today was the first day of Tennis Club. It went really well! we had 16 kids both boy and girls. Grades 2 to 4th..Looking forward to working with them!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Well back to school today after a wonderful spring break! Lillie was a little more in the mood this morning then Austin was! But we got everything going and things went great!! Oh summer we look forward to you!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Had lunch today after church for Mary's Birthday! It was really on Saturday but she had to work and then a wedding reception after, so we went out today! Went to Vinny's.....and had to wait A LON LONG LONG LONG time for our food! Good thing we really like the couple we were with! Always nice to hang with friends!
Happy Birthday Mary!


While Mark and Austin were branding cattle today at the ranch I went to a bridal shower with Diana for a cousin getting married in April. It was a wonderful shower. As we were cleaning up Deanna( Marks cousin) and I got to looking at the coffee marker. So Kathy ( who's house we were at) had us each make a cup. OK It was NICE. So this is going to be my next coffee marker! When looking up the price I was a little worried at what it may be BUT it was not that bad. About 140.00 ...OK that is more then a regular coffee marker but not what I was afraid it would be! someday I will be making coffee out of it! LOL

Friday, March 19, 2010


Got a new cell phone and have been
trying to learn all the FUN stuff it
does! Best part is that I can answer it!


With the kids gone Mark and I went on a date!! What great fun! Dinner alone..funny thing about going out alone is that you get to catch up on all the weeks events and laugh ALOT!!! I love you Mark!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I filled out our 2010 Census that came in the mail. Short, not hard and less questions then I thought there would be. The kids asked about it and why we had to fill on out. The only time either of them have heard about a census was in the bible when Mary and Joseph traveled and then Jesus was born. I thought that was neat that they put the 2 together. Good thing we didn't have to ride a donkey to fill it out and take it back! Just out to the mail box...I was informed by my children! NICE...Have you filled yours out?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


It took us LONG time to clean up Austins
room today...see why!!! LOL For some
reason he believed that if he dumped
it he could find everything better?!
I guess it worked but MAN he has ALOT
of little pieces of Lego's!!


Today the kids wanted to clean the car for I let them! They did a pretty good job for the 1st time doing it on their own. I had to wash the windows today but other then that it was good...Well Mark didn't think so but he didn't get to make the final vote..Erin (a Friend of mine from school) did!
Good job kids!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Tonight Lillie wanted to help I let her do most of it..she asked me how I learned to cook and who helped me!? It is alot of fun to have her want to help in the kitchen with dinner. And now she is cleaning up after her dad from dinner and washing (we have a dish washer) up his plate! I love it!! This is going to be fun to see what happens and if it continues.....

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Today I started putting away my "winter" dishes. With all the rain and snow the last couple of weeks putting them away just didn't seem right. They are just "winter" dishes! LOL So down they came and out came the everyday dishes. The sun was shining and it was nice with the birds singing and spring in the air. Good bye dishes till next year!


Last night we celebrated Dawn's 40th Birthday ! Dawn was born on St. Patrick's day ( she is not Irish) so we dress up in all our green and go out to dinner....this year we surprised her with a girls night with close friends for dinner. She had no idea! Then the best was that the men showed up with a cake to sing for her at Outback!
Happy Birthday my wonderful friend who brings joy, love and laughter to my life! Make 40 look next!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Woke up this morning to alittle snow in the back yard! I had gotten up about 5:00 to let the dogs out and big beautiful flakes were falling and starting to stick. All I could think was A SNOW DAY!! But NO this was all that was on the ground.....But it still was beautiful! The Lord has a funny sense of humor!!!

"Sing to the Lord, all the earth;proclaim his salvation day after day."
1 Chronicles 16:23

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Started One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer tonight.....well it is week 2..Here is the story behind that.:
We finished Beth, Priscilla and Kay Bible study 2 weeks ago. I could not make up my mind if I wanted to do the next study. I thought I'll stay home have one night a week and get some things done. Now I've been going to the gym Monday, Tuesday, Thursday nights but I was going to kick Bible study 1st...hmmmm.. this just didn't seem right. SATAN!
Last week was the 1st night and I stayed home: Austin had been out of school with strep throat so I needed to stay! Mary gave me my book on Sunday so I could start it and get my homework done before Wednesday...I did not open the book ONE time! Why? Not sure! SATAN! Knew that he was getting his way, keeping me from getting into the word! And way? It went ALL the way to the core tonight!! Yes all the way.
Can you remember a time that you were in the wilderness? I can! Moving after getting married, Sydney dieing and the pain with my marriage, building and having my husband work out of town for almost a WHOLE year, relationship's that ended, were hurt,family, beginning alone! Yes I have been in the wilderness...I have been there just not to long ago.....
Mark being injured was scary and hard in MANY ways..a job that was offered to me but I would be away A LOT from my family. Yes the wilderness...
I sit now on the edge of the wilderness looking at the pillar of fire by night and smoke during the day and think " Lord, where do you want me to go"? " How and when and what"? Yes the Wilderness is right out there.
It's hard and scary but MAN do we grow from it. I see just how far He has brought me..loved me...helped me. Not always the way I believed it should go or be....Priscilla said something that hit me..You have to development the spiritual gifts by doing them...Trust Him, be put into a position that you have to, need to work on patience..have to wait..Yes we learn to develop them.
soooo I will do my homework this week and just see where the pillar of fire will lead me! Yes Lord I do trust you!
Am praying for 3 people right now that on in the wilderness..if you are and would like me to pray let me know! We all need someone to pray for or out of the wilderness..
"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery" Galatians 5:1

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This is how cold it was this morning! We left for school and found this...Wish that we had a snow day!!!! Never that lucky LOL

Monday, March 8, 2010


On the way home from the gym tonight I got pulled over! For having a light out on my licence plate! But by the time I had pulled out he had already pulled someone else over! I did not get a ticket..but MAN!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Today God blessed us with rain..and wind! LOL Mary and I went out on a bike ride to have her get the feel of riding...With the wind and then came the rain! We rode home while the wind and rain beat us. She rocked! It was a nice way to spend the afternoon!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


This is the family cemetery out at the Ranch at the base of the Chiricahuas. This has been in the family for many years. The earliest burial was in 1885. Sydney is buried here. It has a lot of history of the YEARS gone by. The kids walked around looking at all the headstones asking questions. One was how did they get grandpa Roll in the jar?....That was a new one!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Allison and Jon stopped by to drop off Antonio...For sure they had to stop and play alittle guitar hero!! This has become a nightly thing!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Meet Debbie my trainer that I got 4 free visit with signing up at the gym. I really liked her and learned alot...So I signed up for 4 more to see what more I could do! Tonight I hurt ( in a good way) all over from a 1/2 workout with her! Thanks Debbie for your help!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Ovaltine...Ovaltine..our new drink the kids have to have! Have bought the stuff before but the kids wold have nothing to do with it! Go to Allison house one afternoon and BOW they LOVE the stuff!! So now we have it in the house out call Allison! Thanks! :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Austin was sick and throwing up on Friday...started to feel better Saturday..Sunday woke up with a low fever and sore throat...Went to urgent care and was told that he had a cold with drainage...Monday went to the school nurse with no fever but sore throat, she thought that we should go see our family doctor...Tuesday went to our family doctor and Austin has strep throat!
This now shows Austin ages because we have moved to taking pills and not a liquid!
When did this happen!?

Monday, March 1, 2010


Just wanted to share how much I love my children! They can be sweet and they can be sour! LOL But I love them and praise God that I have them!!!