
Monday, May 31, 2010


Happy Memorial Day! Am feel blessed to have my freedom! Thank You to all the Military and their families!!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


My GREAT neighbors are moving tomorrow! Am VERY sad!!!! They have been the best to have around..headed to Augusta GA. We could not have asked for better neighbors.
I believe that God brings people into our lives for many reason and sometimes for a short time. They have been SO good to us in SO many ways. We will MISS them SO much ! We feel blessed and truly thankful for them and will continue to keep up with them!!!


Didn't do much today but clean up a little after the party and hang out by the pool! BBQ with the Austin fam and just hung out! Yeah for days by the pool...


OK so Friday night we had Brittany's graduation party at the house! We had a DJ, BBQ, Volleyball and swimming...It was so much fun! We did let most of our neighbors know what was going on! A great time dancing the night away on the back patio! Think I will get one for my 40th Birthday this summer!!


Tonight Brittany graduated from Buena High School! I can't believe that she is ready to start her next chapter in her life. I have SO many sweet memories and feel like she is mine in many ways!
After a while I now just call her my niece and Justin my nephew. They are OUR family! Going out of their way to always be apart of my kids lives.....Am S proud of her! We love you Brittany!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


From the eyes of a Kindergartner!
Today we had field day at school, we play games with water and the whole school is outside for the whole morning. It is lots of fun and the kids have a great time.
We break out our fun green tees that we wear once a year for field day.
Staci and I have our picture taken every year ( by Jon , who couldn't make it this year) so we asked a kindergartner.....this is our picture!
We LOVED it because you never know how someone sees you! God sees us with NOTHING but love. We need to remember that. He loves us no matter how we look. He can pick you up, clean you up and make you new! Praise Him for that!
Love you Staci!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Checking on my garden today I spotted my 1st jalapeno.....Ohhh am SO excited! I have been getting better and better every summer! Took some jalapenos out of the freezer to make salsa! It was great!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Today the kindergartens got bubbles from their reading bubbles! I love bubbles....they make me happy.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Lillie the day she was born!

My beautiful birthday girl! It is hard to believe that she is 8! WOW. It just seems like yesterday we were driving to the hospital in Tucson to have her. It has been a great joy to see her growning into her own person! I just praise God for her everyday!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Birthday party sleep over! Swimming, dancing on the back patio, pizza, opening gifts, chocolate fountain and getting our toes painted! What a night of fun! Best part NO boys!! ( OK dad, Barry and Jeff, who is Brittany's boyfriend...) but they had to help with the food! LOL


Lillie took Popsicle's to her class for after PE for her birthday! It was a hot day, great day for them!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Because it is so warm we have been having the back door open...guess what keeps coming to visit us!? Yep a BIG Sun Spider! BOOOOOOO

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today was move up day at school. Each class moves to the next grade and finds out who their teacher is going to be. Lillie is excited to have Mrs Foreman. Austin a little worried about having Ms.Higgins because most of his friends are in the other 5th grade class. After prayer and taking with a friend I felt that she would be the best fix for him. Not sure that the other would help him in the areas that he needs. So we will be praying ALOT the next school year!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My sweet son got his first hunting licences ! He is already to go deer hunting with his father this fall! I seems like he is growing up so fast! It is great to see what he can do in life. God has truly blessed me with a loving son!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Well.......have much wiggling we lost out tooth today! We have been working on this for awhile. We thought that maybe we would at the DBack school last week....nope...Mrs. E said she would even give her 5.00 if she as Lillie and I sat taking, her on my lap , about her up coming birthday sleepover she moved it with her tongue and out it came! Because we were still at school she got to get a tooth from the nurses office to put it in! Yeah for Lillie!! I LOVE these memories and how they happen! God makes it always the best!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


My WONDERFUL husband finished the last of all the paving work! He has worked SO hard on this! He started to finish but it was hard after he broke his ankle to do. So today it is ALL done! I am blessed to have a such a wonderful man! Thank you Lord for having Mark be MY husband!


It was the 1st day of REAL swimming! The water was nice ( OK not warm or me but the kids) They payed and enjoyed the weather, FINALLY!
We look forward to many more days!!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Dinner and a movie with the family! I love being able to hang out with the kids watching a movie and enjoying a good laugh! I love to hear my kids laugh! :) God has truly blessed us with them both!!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I love that Burt follows Mark around the yard "helping". Mark was so funny when Burt came to live with us. Now that two are buddies!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The kids have found a new place that they call " their spot" ! It's been great for them. Thanks to my wonderful neighbors,who sadly are moving next month, for giving it to us! Every time the kids sit there we will remember them! We will miss them GREATLY!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today we took the kids on a field trip at the kitchen! It was fun to see how our food is made at school and all they have to do to keep us safe! The kids loved it and tasting the food!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Austin's class had a western play today. It was funny and they did a great job! Austin was soooo excited to get to use his dad's hats. Because he is part cowboy!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


There is something about having a vase with flowers in it! They can make you smile and remember something SO sweet! Matt got them for Jodi and she had to leave them I have gotten to enjoy them. Now they are all open and smells SO good. I had them in my bouquet when I got married. It is so wonderful to see them every morning!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Look I got my tomatoes plants in! 4 Different kinds! Looking forward to seeing how they grow this year. I moved them to a different space.

I did really well last year and hope that it works out here!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I go my Mothers Day present today!
We are going to be gone so I got it today
so that I can use it this week!

The coffee pot I wanted :)


We had guys from SSVEC over to have a get together with Bryan and Jodi. It was fun just to hang out and visit. Sure enjoyed having them all around!


The only place that Bryan asked to eat...Vinny's!