Tonight we finished our Bible study and Kay Aurthur was talking about marriage. I will have been married 17 years this coming June! It has had it's ups and downs..but I love my husband. As I sat there I began to think just how blessed I am to have the husband and marriage I do!
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything" Ephesians 5:22-24
This may sound crazy but it is God's plan for a happy and health marriage. As women we like to try and "do" everything our way. Not letting our husbands have full control. We may say that we want them to lead but then step in and "tell" them how to do it. Sometimes it is hard to step back and let them lead, but God wants it that way for a reason.
Some of the best advance I got with my new baby was " let him do things he's way and you can do them your way, if you tell him all the time how to do it he will not ask to help, if you can do it BETTER " I stepped back and he gave baths his way, changed diapers his way, rock them his way. My kids did just fine!!
Don't get me wrong I do voice what is on my mind. But I know that Mark has the final say! Christ has things planned for a reason, don't get in his way. Let your husband lead, hold his hand and be a help mate along the road of life. I wish that I would have helped more then fight along the way. I see what can to as a team!
Thank you Lord for that!