
Sunday, February 28, 2010


I came home Sat. after being out for the morning to find all of my living room moved into other parts of the house. Mark washing windows and asking me to clean the carpets. He wanted to move the furniture! LOL So we spend the day today putting everything back into the living room! Moved int around and looks good! Thanks Mark for the great looking windows!
PS I really wanted to paint but he said NO! LOL Oh well!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Lillie and I went to a Zumbathon today as a fundraiser for Haiti. We had fun ( OK she thought it was funny). We met Allison Kosmider there and after headed to Marshall's! Got to LOVE Marshall's! Found some cute dress for Lillie on sale for $10.00 a piece and Allison found a dress for an up coming wedding! Great times by all!

Friday, February 26, 2010


Got this for Christmas from Chaplain Steffy, used it today. I guess it worked OK, let you know after I drive at night! LOL

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Lillie done and reading while Austin does his thing!
They gave it to him to hold! LOL Nice!

Austin looking happy!

He will ask a million and one questions!!
So no one had any cavities! Yeah!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Posted by PicasaTonight we finished our Bible study and Kay Aurthur was talking about marriage. I will have been married 17 years this coming June! It has had it's ups and downs..but I love my husband. As I sat there I began to think just how blessed I am to have the husband and marriage I do!
"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything" Ephesians 5:22-24
This may sound crazy but it is God's plan for a happy and health marriage. As women we like to try and "do" everything our way. Not letting our husbands have full control. We may say that we want them to lead but then step in and "tell" them how to do it. Sometimes it is hard to step back and let them lead, but God wants it that way for a reason.
Some of the best advance I got with my new baby was " let him do things he's way and you can do them your way, if you tell him all the time how to do it he will not ask to help, if you can do it BETTER " I stepped back and he gave baths his way, changed diapers his way, rock them his way. My kids did just fine!!
Don't get me wrong I do voice what is on my mind. But I know that Mark has the final say! Christ has things planned for a reason, don't get in his way. Let your husband lead, hold his hand and be a help mate along the road of life. I wish that I would have helped more then fight along the way. I see what can to as a team!
Thank you Lord for that!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This has become a nightly thing....A little guitar hero with dad!! It is great fun to watch! A little good laughter in the home! God truly has blessed me!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Tonight I loaded songs on to Lillie's new ipod shuffle..She was excited to have her own ipod to listen to! Ms. Mary give it to her this weekend and she couldn't wait to have songs put onto it. So we loaded a little superchick! That is a great fun rock christian girls band. Nice!

Thanks Ms Mary! she sure thinks that she is special with you!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Our new nephew, Ian Tyler Pock. Haven't gotten any pictures so I took these off Diana's ( my mother in laws) Face Book page. Born February 20th ,he weighed 7.14 and 21 inches long. So funny that is 1 oz off of what Lillie was. Not sure about the time or anything, sometime around 3:00 . As soon as we know anything more I'll sure blog about it.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Today was a fun stay at home and get somethings done! We worked on Austin science project and ate eegees, scrap booked alittle and played Guitar Hero! Above are some VERY important tools to use in scrapbooking! I would be lost with out my X machines!! while Austin used them for his project today he asked me " Mom is this X machine like a miracle"? I said " YES right form God!" LOL I sure love him!
Lillie worked hard today to get guitar hero, she wanted to do it in her own timing! And she got it!
What a great and blessed day straight from God!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Tonight we had our Birthday Bash at church with WOW ( Women of Worth). We had table for every month set up with a theme for that month. Example: July was a Beach party, October did the state fair! Then you sat at the table of the month you were born in. It was so much fun Not only did you get to fellowship with people you can something in common in but meet new people!
It is always fun to fellowship with other Christian women.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Here is the the awesome letter that the Kindergartners wrote Mark, thanking him for coming to the school! It was funny to listen to them tell about what they remembered about the truck and what Mark Mr. Roll" said about safety! It was great!!Posted by Picasa


Well this is our first year to have to do a science fair project. I have heard MANY stories about having to done them! So far so good for us! Mark and Austin looked into what he wanted to do, made a shopping list. I went shopping got everything. Mark and Austin have been working on it! So far this had been a good time......we still have to put it all together! LOL

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have taken MANY dance classes over the years..over 15 years of classical ballet, tap , jazz, Vera Cruz Mexican dancing, modern dance classes. I have the HARDEST time feeling that I have any coordination in this class! I find it fun and enjoy going. I do laugh ALOT about how I look and feel trying to do it. I never knew that you could get your heart rate soooo high with Zumba! I will continue to go and enjoy big plus is how many calories you can burn...over 500 plus per class :) NICE!

Monday, February 15, 2010


We spent out day off today at he Pima Air Museum. We had a great time walking around looking at all the neat stuff. The weather was great, warm and sunny! We ended up running into our friends Matt, Sara and Brodyn. We had alot of fun with them. It was a really nice day all around!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Mark and I going out for our Valentine Day's bike ride! It was fun and sweet! It was Mark's 1st time riding his bike after his broken ankle! I love you Mark and have enjoyed the last 18 valentines with you!


The high school yout group hanging out by the fire after a great day for Bible study and worship! What a great group of kids!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


Mark and I went to the Jr High dance tonight. It was fun to watch the boys stand around together , being silly and "not" watching the girls. As the girls danced with each other and tried to get the boys attention without really getting the attention! some fun music and lots of memories! Do you remember going to your Jr High dance? I did dance with some of the 6 grades boys! Now that was funny :) and fun!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Today I wore my hat that my wonderful Valentine got me! Yes it is a SSVEC ( Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Coop) ski cap! I was warm and looked great.....I didn't even have hat head! Thanks Mark! xoxoxoxo
PS Picture taken by Austin

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Friendship! Today Austin and Antonio ate some kids of valentine candy after school!
Hmmmm nice tongues!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It is our first year doing the science fair at school. So Austin and Mark have started working on it! It is funny at times to listen to the two of them. Wish us luck! I'll keep you up to date about the whole thing! :)

Monday, February 8, 2010


HELLO PEOPLE! It is that time of the year! VBS stuff has started.....We get our starter kits with all we need to get things started for VBS in June!! Yes in June!!! June 14 to the 18 of June...Here we come!
Saddle Ridge Ranch! :)


My handsome son Austin ready for church! The blue shirt, Colts tie and his favorite hat and jacket! Off we go! What a handsome boy he is!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I decided to make "homemade" Hummus...I LOVE the stuff and thought it would be fun to make it. After looking up the recipe on FoodTv I headed to Fry's last night to get ll I needed. I found everything including the $11.95 jar of Tahini paste! So funny that we try to make healthy food and it costs you an arm and a leg! LOL I could have just bought the Hummus for $3.99. So I got everything out today and made the Hummus. I did take a little while and it taste pretty good. Needs more garlic! So am going to keep it up and I KNOW I'll get better at it! So watch out my friends you may end up with some!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Yeah !!! Today my February SEI kit of the month came! I love getting them in the mail every month! Know I SOOOO have to scrapbook tomorrow! :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I have been working on WOW ( women of Worth) stuff for our winter warmer this month. We are having a big birthday bash. Should be lots of fun!
It's a great time to fellowship with other women and have alittle fun...If you would like to come let me know! Would love to have you!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


My beautiful daughter Lillie!
Tonight Mark got home late from work and was tried from being on call for the last 7 days. Wet, cold and tried we left Mark at home with Austin and off we went to church. Lillie makes me smile in so many different ways. Just as we pull into the parking lot of church she turns to me and says" Mom who was God's mom?" I smile and say " Go ask Pastor James! " She looks at me and smiles. I tell her that He just was. He had no beginning.
We get into the car after Bible study and she talks the WHOLE way home. About everything from school who said what to who, all about what was said and TeamKid! WOW alot to say in alittle trip home. The whole holding her purple, sparkly Bible!
Pure of heart, true to God saying there is ONLY one true God! I pray that that stays with her for her WHOLE life. As I sit here writing this I think can I be that Godly mother she needs? Can I guide her the way God wants me to? I pray that she will always trust Him with everything no matter what life brings her.
I praise God that he has blessed me with Lillie in more ways then I can express. I came across a book from Vicki Courtney " 5 conversation you must have with your daughter" Am going to get this book to make sure that I give her ALL the help and love to stay true to herself and God.
Thank you Lord for blessing me with the gift of a daughter, let remember to tell her I love her everyday, be the best role model I can for her. Teaching her to walk with the Lord always and trusting in Him.!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Yeah!! My dryer is up and running! The little things in life that make us happy!

Monday, February 1, 2010


I want you to meet my friends Brian and Tonya Devine. We have known them for over 12 years! We have been though ups and downs in both our lives, all the while working on our faith and walking with Christ.
Brian and Tonya have made the decision to go into full time ministry with FamilyLife. I think that is AWESOME that they are listening to Christ and what he wants them to do. They are giving up a life that is in a comfort zone to move to another state and do work for the Lord full time! They have a heart to strengthen and encourage families to stay strong and turn to Christ in ALL they do and need.
Mark and I many years ago were apart of a FamilyLife marriage weekend. It was in the middle of going though the lose of our daughter Sydney. We learned soooo much that weekend about each other, ourselves and just how much Christ loves us to keep us married!
I will be praying for them as they get things together to leave into the mission field and as they are IN the mission field. They have been blessed with three wonderful boys that will be in the field with them.
You are awesome Devine family!! And we love you!!
In 1 Thessalonians 3:2 it says " We sent ( Brian and Tonya) Timothy, who is our brother and God's fellow worker in spreading the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith. "
I would but Brian and Tonya's name in place of Timothy!